Bar-Mitzvah In Brazil?

The Jewish Synagog was tucked away on a little side street in the center of town. It had a nice size auditorium with two floors. The men congregated on the lower floor where the service was held while the women sat upstairs and observered it all from a bird's-eye view.
The two hour service was held in the Hebrew language which for my ten year old son, Josiah, it was a little too long to sit though. The most exciting part for him is when the ladies upstairs showered down candy at the boy reading the scrolls for the first time. They through down hand fulls of hard candy creating a rain fall of sweets.
Ellen asked one of the ladies why they threw the candy. She responded it was to remind them that the Word of God was sweet and it was sweet for them to hear. It was in enjoyable time ending with a large recepiton with a mix of traditional Jewish and modern rock music.
Wayne Patton - In Brazil
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