As missionaries one of the questions we are sometimes asked is,"Do you eat bugs?"
This year at Momentum, the Grace Brethren youth conference, some youth and their pastors are enjoying the pleasures of Cricket and Meal worm Lick-its, Crick-ettes, and Scorpion pops. Each lollipop contained either a cricket, meal worm or for the youth leaders, a scorpion for those who like a little protein with their sugar. If bugs are just not your thing, Jalopeno flavor or hot pepper pops were on the menu. For those with more classic taste, apple, watermelon, cherry and cinnamon hit the spot.

Josiah and Caleb shared a box of crickets, and to show that she could do it too, I downed one very crunchy cricket.
All to remind them about the challenge of missions and taking the church where it is needed most - where it isn't.
So did your youth pastor take the challenge?
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