Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Happily Deluded

Sometimes his barking awakens us at nights as he tracks creatures that are not there. Other times my children laugh as we watch our dog Dexter prance in small circles, then suddenly jump grabbing a mouth full of dirt when he probably thinks he has a lizard. Last night he flung himself upward, grabbing branches as he chased birds long gone.

Happily deluded we have decided. His mind damaged, his sense of smell gone, probably from the poison that he has ingested several times as robbers sought to kill him in order to break into our home.

How like that some people are. Chasing dreams that are mirages. Thinking they have it made, when they have nothing that really matters. Putting their hope in the false without a clue to the fact they are just happily deluded

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Prepared Ahead of Time

Tuesday as I prepared bean to soak for Wednesday’s lunch something prompted me to prepare extra for Thursday also, even though I already had another meal planned. I decided to cook all double Wednesday – beans, rice, meat, vegetables and a condiment called vinagrete.

Thursday mornings I spend a half-hour at my children’s school watching the elementary school play during recess. As recess ended one little girl tripped over the jump rope and fell skinning her chin and nose. The teacher asked if I would be able to help with her class while she comforted her. Over the next hour and a half I read books to a class of first and second graders and helped get them to an eye test that was being done. As I left I glanced at my watch – my own four would be home in twenty minutes for lunch. Then it hit me – God had prepared ahead of time that I would have lunch all ready for my family. I thanked him for his care as I warmed up the food they would be home to eat in a few minutes.

Monday, October 17, 2005

A Golden Glow

I awoke to a light of yellow washing the room with its faint light. Lifting my head and peering out the window, high in the sky, above the mango tree, I saw the source a golden moon. Although it looked like a harvest moon in color, it was high in the sky and would not set yet for a few hours. I watched as its color deepened slightly to an orangey hue. The moon slipped behind the mango tree; fruits that would soon bear the moons color in their juicy insides now hanging green from the branches. I thanked the Lord for his display of beauty and relinquished myself to sleep. That morning the sun rose like a ball of fire and the sky took on an ethereal glow so unusual that others commented on it to me.