Manaus Prayer Team Part 1

What is the first step in opening a new city? Prayer. A group of ten gathered in one of t

What did they find? What did they do?
They found a people proud of their city; a people united by soccer, but not Christ.
In the two largest malls in the city they found a few book stores .... but not a single Bible for sale.
They knew that their

They felt frustration at not being able to speak Portuguese, overwhelmed that they are just one person, and homesickness for their families and American food.
They saw things in the city that broke their hearts and God heart.

They found Wallace, Josara, Beg and other real people who do not know Jesus, real people who need their prayers. The spoke to them and heard their hearts
They experienced fear for safety, poverty, paying to go to the bathroom, the markets, busses and a little of the lives of the people.

They learned that for some life is hard, that life there for many does not take care of itself and may be devoid of future hope for a difference. That there was frustration, but there was also joy in missions.
Please see part 2 for the rest of the thoughts and pictures!