Manaus Prayer Team Part 2

They saw God at work in arranging the teams logistics and at work in their own lives. They picked a bus, switched to another bus they picked and one time got off at a place that was not even a bus stop and saw God lead them to some special people who they learned from, helped and witnessed to.

They started the foundation of prayer in the spiritual battle for the city.
They learned about the lives of missionaries, Brazilian church planters and planting churches in Brazil.They saw despair and fear and anger and joy and hope in the faces and eyes of the people.

They made contacts for the future.
They went away knowing how to be part of the future process – to pray, to tell stories, to keep Manaus alive in their hearts and the hearts of the people they know.

They were unanimous as a group – Manaus needs a Bible teaching church.
They were reminded of how big God is and the glories of His creation where the Negro and Solomoes rivers come together to begin the Amazon.

They learned that churrasco means BEEF!
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